There's no doubt about it, life can get overwhelming. As a result, those feelings sometimes can cause us to pull back a little bit on what we're willing to go for...
This can lead to a situation where you never seem to be accomplishing anything. This is also the place where you watch your goals trickle by you year after year...
But there is an answer. And that solution starts with a single thought that it is never too late to rewrite your life... In today's #CabralConcept 317, I'm going to explain how you can choose a new path for yourself at any time - Enjoy the show!
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Part 2 of the weekend Cabral #HouseCall is here and I'm looking forward to answering 3 more of your questions today!
Here are our next community questions up to be answered:
Dee: Hi Stephen.. greetings from Ireland! In the past month I have stopped taking birth control pills, I was on it for a very long time (15yrs) I'm eating great, exercising, sleeping and generally feeling really well but my skin is going a little haywire!! Especially along my jawline which I understand is linked to hormones. My question is this.. is there anything I can do to help it calm down? The only supplements I take are Cod Liver Oil and a probiotic... I'd really love your advice! Thanks in advance.. you're an inspiration! Dee x
Edith: Hi Dr. Cabral, Do you have any thoughts about long term use of adderal on the brain? I have both ADHD and stage 3 adrenal fatigue per my Naturopath. I have asked my psychiatrist if ADderal is bad for adrenal Fatigue and he laughed and said adrenal fatigue doesn't even exist. What are your thoughts? I know I need to stop but I rely on it for energy.
Vivek: Thanks Dr. Cabral, for all your help!! I have been on quite the journey making a lot of progress with many aspects of my health but feel there are things I can still improve on. I have worked with many functional doctors, naturopaths, metabolic nutritionists and done elaborate tests and protocols. I have been noticing my liver area and sometimes the left side under my rib cage feel tender/ feeling heavy. I still have some skin itchiness and rashes/irritation, minor hair loss in patches/ eyebrows, and hands get hot/cold as well as chills in my body/feet in the evening. There is a tongue coating, and stale breath at times, I also had elevated liver enzymes and SIBO, and have a feeling that that my gut health is a result of my liver health.
Thank you for tuning in to the Q&A and all the tips thrown in along the way!
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Can you believe it's already the weekend? That can mean only one thing... We're back answering all of our community's questions on all things health, wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging!
Here are today's questions:
Jill S: Is it okay for me to do the detox (Dr. Cabral Detox) while I have my period. Also, is it normal not to lose as much weight the week before my period? Thanks!
Morghan: Thank you for sharing so much information via your podcast! Quick question in regard to episode #300, would you recommend the same immunity protocol during pregnancy? It's so hard getting accurate information on holistic treatments during pregnancy. Thank you for your help
Jasmine: what protocal should I start for for parents aged 68 and 73 years old. They have been on Omeprazole for decades. I need to convince them into dietary changes and if possible I would like you to suggest what supllements I should order from your for them. Both of them have had their gall bladder removed years ago, but have not been concerned about any changes of diet. Thank you!
Justine: Hi! My friend got me hooked on your podcasts and I love them! I struggle with mild acne, but to me, it's severe. Every time I get a pimple it leaves a mark, even if I don't try to pop it. It looks like I have chicken pox! I live a healthy lifestyle. Weight train/do cardio 6 days a week, maintain a healthy diet but definitely have my cheat days. I swear no matter what I've taken (birth control, spironolactone) or skin treatment I've done nothing fully works. My acne never fully goes away and I'm at the point where I'm so self consious I don't want to go out. I'm headed down the acutane path... Not what I want to do but I feel as though I'm at a loss and just want results. Please help! What do you suggest? How can I get healthy, glowing, no mark skin without taking an intense drug? Thank you in advance and sorry this was so long!
Thank you for listening and be sure to check back tomorrow where I answer 3 more of our community questions!
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I can't believe it's already Friday and that of course can only mean one thing - the #FridayReview is here!
Today, I'm reviewing a short, motivating book on "The New Rules for Health." It's a quick and easy inspirational read for where to start and how to make small changes to reach your health goals!
Next up, I describe the ideal way to begin to re-engineer your life through journaling. Plus, I share my favorite type of journal to carry around and write in...
And finally I finish up with the exact annual blood work I run every January to ensure my numbers are within range from a Functional Medicine perspective... Check out today's #CabralConcept 314 for all the details!
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There's so much debate over what and when to eat after your workout that I wanted to break down the myths vs. science, as well as teach you exactly what you should be doing to maximize your results...
I'm also going to give you the top 5 foods to eat after your workout in order to refuel your body without disturbing your metabolism or causing any slowing of your progress...
Tune into #Cabral Concept #313 to find out the foods I recommend (and in what order) so that you can keep going strong - Enjoy the show!
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If you've ever struggled with losing the weight and keeping it off forever, it's important to step back and watch and learn from those that have successfully done it before you...
Modeling a blueprint for success is truly the easiest way to get results and keep them. Plus, you'll save time, money, and stress by implementing a plan that's already been proven to work...
On today's #CabralConcept 312 I want to share with you the 1 thing all successful dieters do to keep the weight off forever - Enjoy the show!
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Once you begin to see that your entire body is connected through a system of nerves, fluid, impulses, and energy you will see that nothing is separate from the whole...
This means that you can tell a lot about your internal health by simply examining your outer appearance. One easy way to do that is by looking at your tongue. You'd be surprised at what it has to say...
Tune into today's #CabralConcept 311 to find out what your tongue can tell you about your health - enjoy the show!
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Often times when we're trying to achieve a goal we think we need to do more, or be more in order to get ahead...
The problem is that this is rarely true. For the most part, all of us are already working hard enough. We put in the hours and the time, but the problem is that it's not being channeled in the right direction...
And, to make matters worse we have so many distractions that we can't see clearly what it is we need to focus on to breakthrough and begin getting the results we deserve...
Tune into today's #CabralConcept 310 for the answer as to how to destress your life in order to get ahead and achieve your goals - Enjoy the show!
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We're back with Day 2 of the Cabral HouseCall shows and I'm looking forward to tackling a brand new group of your questions!
Now let's get into the community questions for the day:
Michelle: Hi Dr. Cabral. I was wondering what your thoughts on inversion tables are? I do not have back problems but have been thinking about getting one to use more like getting massages---it's just a healthy thing to do. I would love to know your opinion. If you have talked about this already then please just point me to that episode. Thanks again, Michelle
Britney: I had chest pain and was told that I have costochondritis. How you you get costochondritis, what are natural ways to get rid of it, and how can I prevent a flare up of chest pain? Does dairy make costochondritis worse because it causes inflammation? Which upper body exercises are safe to do that will not make my chest hurt or make costochondritis worse? Thank you!! Britney
Jessi: Helo! I have constant neck pain, and seem to tweak my neck very easily. the stiff neck and pain last for about 5 days... pain in between lower skull and top of shoulder. Left or fight side, always changing. I know I have poor posture, but find it so hard to really make any changes since I sit at a computer all day. Are there top stretches that can actually change your posture? Is posture why the pain occurs so easily? How long realistically would it take to change posture with stretching? thank you.
Anon: Good day Dr Cabral, i know its best to cook at home where i can control exactly what i'm eating. However, Could you recommend some healthy chain restaurants to eat at? Thank you!
I hope you enjoyed this weekend's HouseCalls and all the tips inside and out of each question!
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The weekend is here and that means I'm answering your questions on all things, wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging, so let's get started with the Cabral #HouseCall!
Here are today's Community questions:
Anon: Thank you for spreading your wisdom! Have been longtime follower of health and nutrition pioneers-Dr. Hoffman,Oz,the late Dr. Asche (currently Dr Lyons has continued his work) and countless others! Was wondering if you are familiar with them and who inspired you. Again, thank you for all you do and answering my question with such compassion! My daughter is currently interviewing at many medical schools and will hopefully continue helping others as you do!
Anon: When doing a detox to heal the gut when is the right time to start introducing that daily probiotic?
Michele: First of all thank you for all of the amazing advice and information you put out DAILY--I love your podcast and Instagram posts! I was wondering what type of chair you use at your office desk--I need a new one and want something "healthy". I have been debating between a stability ball chair and the "Core Chair". Any thoughts? Thanks again, Michelle
Ewa: hello doc, thanks for your great podcasts!! Today when I listened in you talked about when "You Tried It All" dilemma and frustration and where to go from there. My daughter is 15 and even tho we eat "real" and whole food she struggel with her weight. I so bad want to help her but not sure how to do it in the best healthiest way, physically mentally... What would you suggest we try, or which tests to do? How is your Protocol different for teens than adults? Also, are there any way to know when you will answer this particular question? Thanks a bunch! Ewa
I hope you enjoyed the Q&A and be sure to tune back in tomorrow for another 4 questions answered!
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I'm back with another #FridayReview and I'm excited to bring you my top recommendations for a shower head filter and why it is an absolute must-have to prevent toxic gas exposure...
Plus, I'll be sharing one of my favorite styles of eating and a cookbook with over 500 recipes to mix, match, and choose from! And, last but not least, I'll be reviewing one of the can't live without supplements almost everyone needs to be taking during the Winter...
Tune into #CabralConcept 307 for all the details and must-have product reviews - Enjoy the show!
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We've been led to believe that when you're feeling tight or inflexible that more stretching will help...
But, what happens when you've been stretching for some time and you're still stiff? Do you just keep stretching more? The answer is no...
The truth is that the human body becomes stiff for many reasons and working out is just one of them. Poor posture, mineral imbalance, inflammation, repetitive motion, and poor oxygenation are all overlooked reasons for muscle and joint stiffness...
However, the biggest reason you may be locked up is due to nervous system tension, and no amount of stretching is going to get your muscles to relax until you add one missing technique that almost no one uses or teaches...
Tune into #CabralConcept 306 for details on the causes of why you feel so tight and how you can reverse this process to protect your hips, lower back, neck, shoulders, and the rest of your body for a lifetime of easy movement - Enjoy the show!
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Are you frustrated by your results? Have you ever tried the same exact plan a friend, family member, or coworker used to get results, but when you did it your outcome didn't match up?
There is a reason for this, and your attempts haven't been failures. Instead, they are proving exactly what the issue is, since if you're on a weight loss or wellness plan and you're not getting the same results, it signals there is a deeper underlying imbalance.
This means that doing more of the same is most likely not going to get you a different result. A new, more personalized approach must be taken to undo years of developing this root cause imbalance...
Tune into today's #CabralConcept 305 to discover what these hidden root causes are and how to correct them - enjoy the show!
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The problem with psychology is that we treat the brain independently from the body...
And unless I'm missing something, the body has always been attached to the head and vice versa. This means that your psychology (thinking) can affect your physiology (body).
And the reverse is also true. If your body is inflamed, stressed, bloated, or lacking nutrients, your brain will receive signals that something is wrong. In turn, your brain sends you signals that appear as anxiety, panic attacks, a racing mind/insomnia, and more...
The trick is to always look for the underlying root causes holding you back from becoming well again. Today, on #CabralConcept 304 I share with you 5 foods that can cause anxiety and insomnia, plus many more tips - Enjoy the show!
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Achieving your wildest dreams and goals is actually easier than you think...
The problem is most of us don't know where to begin, or we become overwhelmed before we even start, or we're following a misguided plan that leads to nowhere...
After awhile, frustration and complacency sets in and you begin to believe your goals aren't worth achieving - which is unfortunate since your dreams, desires, and goals represent the true you...
In today's #CabralConcept 303 I'm going to share with you the real hidden reason why you haven't reached your goals yet. I believe this revelation will help you see things in a whole new light and will re-motivate you to be, do, and achieve everything you want in life - Enjoy the show!
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I'm excited to bring you 3 new community questions and one free workout program download today!
So, let's get right to them - Here are the community questions for today's Cabral #HouseCall:
Carol: First, I started listening to your podcasts a couple months ago and love them and really appreciate that you take time out of your busy schedule to do this. I listened to your constipation podcast yesterday on Colon Cleansing: Colonics vs. Enemas vs. Powders vs. Teas. I think you mentioned you were going to do another podcast on constipation so I thought I'd send my question to you to see if you can help. I have had chronic constipation for as long as I can remember. Even as a young girl I remember having stabbing abdominal pain. I've been to many doctors. Some have patted me on the head and sent me home, some have told me to eat more fiber and/or take fiber. Fiber doesn't help. I eventually went to a Holistic doctor and he recommended that I take Magnesium. Finally something that got things moving! Unfortunately, I have to take pretty high doses (800-1200mg) every night and even that doesn't guarantee that I will have a bowel movement the next day. I don't know if people realize how uncomfortable it can be to not have a bowel moment for days and/or weeks! Do you have any thoughts or suggestions? Thank you!
Carolina: Thank you so much for the Holiday Workout PDF! I was one of those people that only did cardio because I thought it was the best way to lose weight or stay in shape. But then I started training with weights after listening to your podcasts. I'm still an amateur at this so this is tool is a great help. Please keep them coming! Thank you Dr. Cabral, I am so glad I found your podcast!
Michele: Hi Stephen Cabral, I've noticed the sides of my tongue appear 'scalloped' I'm wondering what might be causing this, and what I can do to fix this. I looked up some causes online but don't feel I fall into any of these categories. I don't have HBP or thyroid problems, and I'm not dehydrated. I am in very good health and I exercise 3-4 days a week. Thank you for any information you can pass on to me. I love your podcast! Warm regards, Michele
Mike: Hi Stephen, I've been suffering from asthma for as long as I can remember. However in my late teens/ early adult years, asthma seemed none existent for many years. Then all of a sudden it came back and I've been suffering ever since. Cold weather, smoke, stress, being around animals all seem to bring on an asthma attack. So does working out, however when I work out for a long period of time, that seems to help. Any recommendations on what I can do to control it better or get rid of asthma all together?
Thank you for tuning into another week of the #CabralConcept - I appreciate you!
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The weekend #HouseCall is here!
This weekend I'll be revealing a lot of information and methodologies as to how I practice natural medicine and help people with the healing process...
So let's get started with the community questions!
Alex: Hi Dr. Cabral! I listen to your podcast every day, and have learned so much since I've started, so thank you. I've asked a question before, but I'm back for another! Through messaging on Instagram, someone reached out for tips to eating healthier when their ultimate goal is to gain muscle. Most of my posts are of healthy foods, but he was interested in tips for getting a higher quantity of foods, while still eating foods good for your body. I've also stumbled upon the hashtag #IIFYM (if it fits your macros), and it sometimes contains things like Pop-tarts, chips ahoy, candy bars, etc, just because it fits 'their macros.' I know one of the olympic weight lifters is vegan, so I know a more plant based diet when building muscle is possible, but I was wondering if you had any tips. I told him I wanted to reach out to an ND and would love to share your website and what you have to say with him. Thank you!! Alex
Christine: Dear Dr. Cabral, first let me - as a long time listener from Germany - thank you for your great podcast! You do a fabulous job! I have a question about energy level, tiredness and exhaustion: I am 40 years old, married, no kids. With 5,5ft and 108 pound I am a little underweight. I suffer from low energy as long as I can remember. In the mornings I wake up exhausted, even though I get 7.5 - 8hrs of dead-like sleep. In the evening after work the only thing I want to do is resting on the couch. No going out, no meeting friends, let alone party for me! I am just tired all the time. So much so, that some evenings when I sit for dinner with my husband I do not even know if I am awake or sleeping. My whole appearance, my pale skin, my eye circles, my disinterest in fun things, my difficulty to work with concentration shows empty batteries. Two days a month I am additionally knocked out with hormonal migraine, but that only as a side note. I think my eating habits are good: I have a green smoothie with lin- or chia-seed and a scoop of protein powder or a budwig-cream (quark, flaxseed oil, millet and fruit) for breakfast. For lunch I have a homemade salad with toppings like avocado, seeds, nuts, cheese etc. and a self baked whole grain bread. In the evening I mostly have vegetables with some source of protein like chicken or fish or tofu. I drink one cup of coffee, the rest of the day only herbal tea and water - hardly ever alcohol. I don't like sweets or salty snacks, except for dark chocolate every now and then. I am not the sporty type but at least I bike to work2.5 miles each way the whole year round. A blood work I got done in spring didn't show any abnormalities, like a lack of minerals or vitamins or any signs of thyroid imbalances ( I have Morbus Hashimoto in my family, so I thought maybe I have it too, but no signs of it in my blood) All this leaves me at the end of my wisdom. Do you have any idea what I could do to not be tired all the time? Thank you so much in advance for any tips or hints. Best regards, Christine
Madelin: Hello my name is Madelin I have a 17 year old daughter. She suffers from constipation constantly I've given her colon cleanse properties prune juice a lot of other things I don't know what to give her any more she can last up to 4 days without using the restroom please help
I hope you enjoyed today's Q&A and all the tips thrown in along the way!
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Cold & flu season is here, and the best way to keep yourself healthy this year is by following a simple daily health routine, as well as making sure you are prepared if you do feel a cold coming on...
In today's #CabralConcept 300 I detail the nutritional supplements I recommend in my practice whenever someone says they feel like they're getting sick (or even if they have a full blown cold)...
Plus, I share the cold & flu busting methods I use for my own children (and those I work with) for whenever they're starting to get a runny nose, cold, or earache. Enjoy today's show!
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