
The Cabral Concept

The Cabral Concept by Dr. Stephen Cabral, Doctor of Naturopathy, was created for you, the health conscious individual looking to discover the little known factors to ideal wellness, weight loss, anti aging, Functional Medicine, Naturopathic medicine and detox. We uncover the root causes of why you're feeling stuck and unable to attain your goals and the action steps needed to live the life you always dreamed of. By following the Cabral Concept of "Change Your Body - Change Your Life," our community believes that by first rebalancing your body and mind, you will then be motivated to conquer any goals you set for yourself in life. I look forward to sharing these real world, proven, holistic wellness strategies with you straight from my Boston Naturopathic, Ayurvedic, and Functional Medicine practice!
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Feb 10, 2021

There's an old tired cliche that goes like this, "The only way you can fail, is if you give up..."

Although, I'm not a big fan of cliches there is a certain truth to this saying. However, the truth lies more in the fact that there are only so many variables and possibilities you can try before becoming successful and reaching your goal.

The issue is that most people go about trying to achieve their goals and dreams all wrong... In today's Cabral Concept podcast I explain what the right ways are to make success inevitable and finally come out on top!

Don't miss today's show on why you will be successful!

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Feb 7, 2017

As the saying goes. "One's Man's Food Is Another Man's Poison..."

This is why there is NO one diet for every human. Our physiological requirements force us to eat some carbohydrates, protein, and fats, but the type of foods vary widely based on the individual...

On today's #CabralConcept 368 I share with you one specific type of food that is typically considered healthy, but can cause a host of inflammatory issues and joint pain in susceptible individuals...

Tune into today's show for that food group and the entire list that corresponds to it - Enjoy the show!

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Dec 1, 2016

Did you know there's only one form of "cardio" that can actually boost your metabolism?

All other types of cardiovascular training like long-distance running, biking, or the elliptical are simply to burn calories during a specific period of time. They do nothing to increase metabolic rate in the long-term...

Listen in on today's #CabralConcept 299 to find out how to cut your cardio time in half while getting better body transformation results - Enjoy the show! 

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Nov 30, 2016

Although the word "skinny" can conjure up different emotions depending on the individual, my goal is simply to help people create their ideal healthy body...

And to do this I rely on data. I look back to the over 200,000 client sessions we've completed and try to pull out what the most successful body transformation clients all had in common on their way to losing the weight and keeping it off forever...

Today, on #CabralConcept 298 I share with you the top 5 strategies to transform your body and live a healthy, stress-free life - Enjoy the show! 

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Nov 29, 2016

Right around when we all become teenagers we start to become acutely aware of how our skin and appearance looks...

And although your entire body does tell a lot about your "biological age," it is your face that truly reveals how young (or old) you appear...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 297 to find out the 5 ways to improve your skin and look 10 years younger- Enjoy the show!

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Nov 28, 2016

Setting goals can be a double edged sword. It's exciting and fun to envision a brighter future, but what happens if you don't reach those goals you set for yourself?

No ever talks about this, but today I want to share with you the answer to what it means when you believe you've tried everything to reach your goals and you're still stuck...

Listen in to today's #CabralConcept 296 I walk you through the mindset of taking your life to that next level and achieving everything you've always wanted - Enjoy the show!

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Nov 27, 2016

Can you believe another week has come and gone and already we're back to our Sunday Cabral #HouseCall...

Today, we're answering some excellent questions turned in by the community over the past week and I can't wait to share those answers with you - let's get started!

1. Jessica: Hello, Dr. Cabral! Thank you for putting out these informative podcasts. I've been on zoloft consistently for about 5 years now. As a child I was told I had a chemical imbalance and have been a slave to the antidepressant ever sense. Ideally, I would really like to set myself free from it. What would you recommend taking as a healthy/natural alternative to it?

2. Thomas: I know this is a loaded question because the cause can range from low T to lack of blood flow. What are some proven strategies or supplements for ED.

3. Marie: Hello Dr. Cabral! I talk about your podcast daily and have been learning so much since discovering it last summer. My husband lost lots of weight on your 21 day detox and I took the IgG allergy test and have been really benefitting from meeting with Julia and discussing the results. From the bottom of our hearts - THANK YOU SO MUCH - for sharing your knowledge and passion - its a daily inspiration! My question is for my sister-in-law, Harmony - She's been having a lot of neck pain and her uvula is very swollen. She went to urgent care and the Dr there told her she had a peritonsillar abscess. He gave her an antibiotic shot and a prescription for Bacrum and Prednisone to take. He said she needed to get it drained by an ENT and get her tonsils removed. I was wondering if you know of any natural remedies and/or a more wholistic approach to help resolve this issue.


Thank you for for listening in on this great Q&A and I look forward to bringing you one of my favorite Motivation & Monday shows tomorrow!

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Nov 26, 2016

Our first House Call of the weekend is here!

We have some fantastic questions to tackle this week, so let's get right into them:

1. Em: Hi Dr. Cabral, I've been tested to have high levels of Candida Albicans (5.61 on my IgG test). Could I still eat kimchi and put apple cider vinegar on my salads? What food should I avoid? Thanks!

2. Daniel: What is the functional medicine remedy for warts? I know sometimes they just go away but I have one under a fingernail that seems to be here to stay. I've tried conventional OTC products but they don't seem to have much effect. Is there a diet issue here

3. Reagan: Hi Dr. Cabral! I had a question regarding episode #283 on Tuesday. I love and agree with creating natural rhythms in my daily life. The problem is I work at Starbucks 4 days a week. ... which means one day I'll have to get up at 4:15 am to be there for 5am. Another day I have to be there for 5:30am. Another day I have to be there for 7am.. it's all over the place. Wednesday is my day off so I get to sleep in later. I can't get up the same time everyday. I do try to eat dinner no later then 7 and try to be in bed by 9pm. Any suggestions on how to create a natural rhythm in the mornings or is it hopeless!? Thanks so much!


Have a great start to your weekend and be sure to tune back in tomorrow for part 2 of our Cabral #HouseCall!


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Nov 25, 2016

On today's #Friday Review I'm excited to share with you one of the top products you can use to not only relieve constipation, but it's also excellent for your cardiovascular, blood sugar, blood pressure, and cancer-free colon health!

Next up, I'll be sharing a little known self-massage I learned while studying Ayurvedic Medicine in Sri Lanka. It's absolutely fantastic for those with a "sluggish colon" or if you're ever feeling a little constipated...

And, I'll also be talking about one of the most powerful success rules of all time. The 80/20 principle is something that will take your goal achieving to a whole new level once you understand it's secret... Tune into #CabralConcept 293 for all the details and enjoy the show!

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Nov 24, 2016

Yesterday on the #CabralConcept 291 I detailed how to eat well on the holidays and today I want to show you how to boost your metabolism just in case you do decide to indulge on some of your favorite foods!

One of the best proven ways to boost your metabolic rate for a minimum of 8 hours is to complete a high intensity resistance workout. This can be interval or circuit based and the great news is that it doesn't have to take more than a few minutes to get those fat burning effects!

Tune into today's #Cabral Concept 292 for a fast, fun, and effective metabolic workout to use any day you're going to go out to dinner or have a cheat meal! And, if you'd like to download the actual workout PDF with video demonstrations just go to - Enjoy the show! 

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Nov 23, 2016

Ever since I was little I've always loved the holidays...

Back then, it was more about gift giving, but as I grew up I understood the joy really came from gathering family and friends to enjoy each other's company and share a meal together...

However, sometimes the temptation of all that food can cause us to binge or go a bit overboard. At the time, it may not seem that bad, but if you're trying to stay healthy and/or keep the weight off overeating can cause you to feel terrible for the next few days (or weeks!)...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 291 to find out how to eat well on the holidays while still enjoying yourself and some of your favorite foods - Enjoy the show!

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Nov 22, 2016

Constipation and bloating are such major issues because of the pain and suffering people go through while dealing with those symptoms...

However, it's not just the uncomfortableness that's the issue - Constipation and digestive issues have been linked to high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, diverticulosis, hemorrhoids, heart disease, inflammatory-based bowel diseases, and even cancer.

And on top of all that there are so many different "solutions" to choose from, it makes it difficult to know what's right and if you're doing more harm than good...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 290 to find out the differences between Colonics vs. Enemas vs. Powders vs. Teas and which one may be best for acute constipation. Enjoy the show!

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Nov 21, 2016

I believe that happiness means something different to all of us, which is why it can be so difficult to help others find their joy...

However, I also believe that everyone can find happiness if they know where to look. The problem is too often we're told to "go out and seek happiness in life" when the answer we search for lies hidden within...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 289 as I breakdown a simple system for how to increase joy and happiness in your life - You'll be glad you did... Enjoy the show!

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Nov 20, 2016

Thank you for tuning back into the Cabral #HouseCall weekend community Q&A show and we are back today with another amazing group of questions.

So let's get started!


1. Anon: Hi Dr. Cabral. Two weeks ago, my anus started itching, especially at night. Please help! Thank you


2. Hayley: Re: the previous wheat grass question. If I'm allergic to wheat am I allergic to the wheat seed AND grass? Or just the seed (with gluten).


3. Stef: What are your thoughts on soy? Specifically tofu?


4. Mark: Doc, This question is from a few of my friends that are now trying or have been trying to have a baby. Some of them have had some difficult miscarages and are now dealing with the emotional stress of that loss. I also know that there doctors are putting them on some heavy hormone therapy. So one question from one of these amazing women is: if you are about to start trying to have a child what's the top 5 things to do in order to increase your chances and increase the health for the child. And what's your protocol for helping women Who are having difficulty getting pregnant.


I hope you enjoyed today's House Call and make sure to check out tomorrow's Mindset & Motivation Monday show!

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Nov 19, 2016

It's time to get started with today's first edition of this weekend's Cabral #HouseCall!

Here are today's community questions:

1. Suzanna: Hi, Thanks for all your invaluable info. I'm a personal trainer and listen to your podcasts using a lot of your advice to help my own clients. I was listening to 4th Nov podcast about juicing where you mentioned the ketogenic diet. You said you don't agree with it long term and that you don't use it for more than 3 weeks with your clients. Would you please elaborate on this and tell me your reasons. I ask because firstly I thought it took more than 3 weeks to actually get into nutritional ketosis so wondered why you stopped the diet so soon and secondly. I myself have been eating keto for 2 1/2 years. My blood has recently been checked and my thyroid, liver, kidneys, blood sugar is normal. I had gestational diabetes in my last pregnancy 3 1/2 years ago, gained 10kg and the only way I could lose the weight was by doing keto. If I eat carbs I'm the form of sweet potatoes, carrots, apples ect I find it very very difficult to stop eating. I also get bloating, constipation and just feel horrible.


2. Dan: Good Afternoon Stephen, Thank you for taking your time to share your knowledge on your podcasts. I have always wondered about water. Two thirds of our body is made up of water. What is the best type of water to drink? There is purified by reverse osmosis with minerals added which is the one I think is best. My Chiropractor tells me I should be drinking Kagan water which is Ionized Alkaline water. There is Mineral water, Spring water, and distilled water. What about tap water with a Brita or Pure filter? Please offer your insight to which type of water would give our bodies the hydration that it will operate best with. Thank you.


3. Sonya: Hello, Thanks for putting out such informative podcasts. We listen to you all the time. We recently learned about DIM to help with estrogen dominance and how it helps to and I would really like to find out what your thoughts are. Also, if this is something you recommend, are there brands you recommend? Thank you so much in advance. 


4. Elizabeth: How do you detox in the fall when juicing / smoothies are your enemy and all you want is soup?


Enjoy today's Q&A and be sure to check back tomorrow for another 4 community questions!


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Nov 18, 2016

The most important thing you put in your body is water. Most of us don't drink enough of it. However, total consumption isn't even the biggest problem we're dealing with when it comes to our drinking water...

Did you know that EVERY major city tested in the U.S. found contaminants and dozens of pharmaceutical drugs in their tap water supply? Known cancer causing and brain-damaging chemicals like mercury, lead, aluminum, fluoride, and chlorine (in addition to the anti-depressant drugs found) are allowed to pollute our drinking water...

Yet, most people are never made aware of the dangers lurking every time they turn on their kitchen faucet, shower, or bath. Hopefully by now you also understand your government is complicit in this and is not going to do anything about it...

Therefore, it's our job to take control of our health. This means purchasing the best quality water filter you can afford. So on today's #CabralConcept 286 I am reviewing the best water filters you can buy for all budgets - Enjoy the show!

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Nov 17, 2016

Almost everyone that comes to see me in my practice would love a little more energy (sometimes a lot more), but increasing energy by artificial means is not the answer and often times can be downright dangerous...

Your body's own natural cortisol and hormone rhythms need to be respected and understood - but unfortunately many supplement manufacturers don't care about long-term damage by causing excess adrenal output and how it can lead to a future of burnout and a depressed mind and body...

On today's Cabral Concept 285 I explain some of the ingredients you'll want to watch out for in your "energy boosting" supplements, as well as a few products that actually do work and are safer to use on an ongoing basis. Enjoy the show!

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Nov 16, 2016

I know most people are trying to avoid processed sugar, and rightly so, but did you know that zero-calorie, artificial sweeteners are actually more dangerous than sugar itself?

For example, Aspartame has been shown to cause neurological issues, birth defects, low mood, poor concentration, fatigue, ADD/ADHD, eye problems, hormone imbalances, and potentially even a link to cancer...

But this is just one of many legal artificial sweeteners to be allowed to be sold to children and adults, which is placed in common products like toothpaste, cough syrup, gum, and diet drinks without you even knowing...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 284 to find out the best and worst sweeteners for weight loss and wellness - Enjoy the show!

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Nov 15, 2016

It's amazing how when you get your mind right everything begins to fall into place...

But, this is often easier said than done  - unless of course you begin to tap into your body's own natural way of processing information and producing energy. Once you do this change becomes easy and you won't have to use pure willpower to push through each day...

This one tip has transformed my life and has allowed me to fall asleep effortlessly, wake up without an alarm, and get twice as much done during the day without stimulants. Tune into today's #CabralConcept 283 for all the answers on how you too can reduce anxiety, overwhelm and low energy - Enjoy the show!

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Nov 14, 2016

While it's true that we all get the same 24 hours in a day how is it that some people seem to get so much more done than others?

What is their secret? Are they just born motivated or smarter than the rest of us? I think the answer will surprise you - Especially when you find out the tricks they use to get more done in less time...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 282 to discover how to manage your time more effectively, get your life back on track, and achieve your goals faster - Enjoy the show!

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Nov 13, 2016

We're back with the 2nd edition of the weekend Cabral #HouseCall !

Here are today's community questions I'll be answering:

Jen: Hi! I have two questions I've been thinking about and thought maybe they could be good for the podcast. One only affects half of the population, as you'll see: 1) what are your thoughts on the blood type diet? 2) what are your natural recommendations for common vaginal infections such as yeast infections or bacterial vaginosis?


Anonymous: Why does my stomach make so much noise?!??!!! It doesn't matter whether I have eaten or not it is always gurgling. This has happened for years. I have been plant-based for two years and thought that would have helped but, stomach still makes noise. I take probiotics. I drink kombucha. I have ACV... I can not tell that anything specific helps. Also, I can feel bubbling in the lower right quadrant of my abdomen, where I sometimes experience discomfort. (I could go on with more but I won't get too carried away. Wish I was closer...) Help with the noise, PLEASE, it is no fun in quiet work meetings.


Fro: Dr. Cabral, First, thank you so much for picking up my question respective chronic constipation; I look forward to your whole podcast about the topic!! Secondly, I've had greying hair since mid-end of my 20s and now with 35, I have a ton of grey hair. Is there a natural way to stop and/or reverse greying of hair? Thank you.


Fro: And last but not least, a dear cousin of mine has been dealing with grave's disease and various unpleasant symptoms thereof for a few years now and her doctor has been prescribing rather radical treatments (in my opinion), the latest to include the recommendation of eye surgery for the abnormal protrusion affecting one of her eyes...I cannot help but think that the treatments are short-term methods intended to mask the symptoms rather than addressing/treating the underlying cause for the disease. I thought I'd reach out to you! I'd appreciate any advice you might have! Thanks a million for your valuable time and for all you do!!!


Enjoy the Q&A and all the other tips thrown in along the way!

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Nov 12, 2016

The Cabral #HouseCall weekend edition is here! 

Today we are answering more of our Community's questions on all things wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging so let's get started!


Erika: Hi Dr. Cabral! Thank you so much for your wonderful podcast. I am so happy to have discovered it. I have two questions for you. I have been recently diagnosed with hashimotos, and am taking T3 and T4. The one thing that has yet to improve is that I am still ALWAYS cold. I am an athlete, work out, eat relatively clean, have low normal body fat, and at a healthy weight. Why am I always cold? Before the medication it was much worse,... but even with T3 and T4 it still isnt much better.


Erika: The second question I have is around my stools. I read somewhere that if your stool is always floating that is a bad thing, and could mean I have digestion issues. Is that true? This isnt just once in a while for me, it is always. Thanks!


Hayley: Hi Dr. Cabral- I had an allergy test done when I suspected that I had a reaction to peanuts. The test revealed a peanut allergy but also a corn and wheat allergy. I like using a greens powder in my smoothie, but almost all of them have wheat grass powder. I avoid eating bread and flour products, but should I avoid wheatgrass too? Thank you !


Anna: Thank You for all you do! 1.My boyfriend has "athlete's foot" or toe fungus. He has been putting various CVS/Walmart creams on it, that don't seem to be working. I told him to go natural route, but he gets overwhelmed with the options online. He has had this for years, since "football in college" and he is now 35. What can he do? 


Thank you for tuning in and I hope you enjoy all tips!

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Nov 11, 2016

I've said it before and I'll say it again - I don't think I would be where I am today without my 1-2 smoothie a day habit...

Out of everything I did to improve my digestive, adrenal, hormone, detox, skin, and other health issues, drinking my morning smoothie was and still is #1. So because of that discovery, I've pretty much used and experimented with every blender imaginable (I also love gadgets!)...

On today's #CabralConcept 279 I break down the differences between the Vitamix vs. Blendtec vs. NutriBullet vs. Ninja Blenders. I tell you what the variations are and what the main differences are between a $75 blender and a $525 blender. Plus, I give you my personal recommendations for all budgets....

Don't miss today's #FridayReview episode for all the details! Plus, today I'm giving you a free download link to my Top 7 Wellness & Weight Loss Smoothie Recipes - the same ones I use myself and give to the people I care for in my Boston Naturopathic practice. Enjoy the show!

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Nov 10, 2016

Typically, I save my book reviews for Friday's on the podcast, but today I wanted to review all the ways you can slow the aging process and look & feel younger!

I also hand-picked my Top 10 from this book (of over 100 tips) and the best part is that these tips are all easy to implement as part of your daily routine. Plus, each one is backed by science and proven to be effective for the majority of people.

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 278 for the "Best Ways to Stop Aging & Stay Young!" Enjoy the show!

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Nov 9, 2016

A lot of people believe that cutting edge medical science is reserved for pharmaceutical drugs only, but that couldn't be any further from the truth...

And there's almost no better example of this then when looking at Functional Medicine nutritional supplements (not the ones at your local Costco, Walmart or drug store)...

The same peer-reviewed research goes into true health supporting supplements and an excellent example of that are the specific strains studied that have been proven to aid in weight loss, glucose support, and balancing gut bacteria...

Listen in on today's #CabralConcept 277 as I list which strains are the best for losing weight and maintaining it and the specific discoveries scientists made as to why this is the case...

Remember, there are no magic bullets when it comes to a weight loss pill, but these special probiotics have been shown in studies to potentially double your results... Enjoy the show!

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